Hinayana View: HIN 201

Thursdays, March 2 – April 20, 2023
7:00 – 8:30 pm Eastern Time

The first of two Hinayana courses which follow the Introduction to Buddhism Series is devoted to the core, “foundational,” teachings of the Buddha’s “First Turning,” the journey of individual liberation. These consist of the Four Noble Truths; a detailed examination of the “self”; teachings of dependent origination and karma using the Nidana chain of 12 links; and the views of the two principal schools of early Buddhism.

This eight-week online course consists of five teaching classes, a practicum devoted to analytical meditation, and two “dharma exchanges” where students present their answers to study questions and engage in general discussion. Each class will begin with a period of shamatha (calm abiding) meditation. For those without prior meditation experience, instruction will be made available. Classes will be recorded except for the dharma exchanges and videos will be sent to registered students. A detailed syllabus will be provided to students enrolled in the series.

Sourcebooks are based on talks by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche and are available for purchase at the online Nalanda bookstore (see below). Please order them at least two weeks prior to each course to allow for reading before for each class.

This course is open to all. Nalandabodhi students who have previously taken the Hinayana Series are welcome to join this course free of charge, and are invited to drop in to any of our classes. 

LOCATION Online via Zoom
TUITION: $40 for Nalandabodhi members, $65 for non-members. Reduced tuition options are also available when you register.
SOURCEBOOK: The sourcebook can be purchased online at the Nalanda Store here. On the store’s website, the text is labelled “insert” and costs $15. Sourcebooks for both Hinayana courses (“Complete Content…”) can be purchased for $28. If costs provide any difficulty, please contact the coordinators using the links below.
REGISTRATION To register, please click here. Once registered, you will receive the Class Syllabus and Zoom link for attending the class.
INFORMATION For more schedule or program details, please contact Allan Novick or Rob Prichard

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